New Beginning

“…See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” Isaiah 43:18-19

As I write this, it’s been exactly one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight days since my last blog post. That’s one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight days since I’ve had the courage to continue. 

A lot can happen in five years.

But wait, did you notice that too? The repetition of the number eight? That got my attention!

Give me a second while I look this up…

(Google search: “What is the biblical symbolism of the number eight?”).

Wow, ok! In biblical numerology, the number eight represents NEW BEGINNINGS.

New beginnings.

On my first blog post in five years?

I mean, come on! This was not planned, I promise.

If this isn’t a confirmation giving me that encouraging nod to say “yes, it’s time”, well I guess I should stop right here?

And so, I continue.


Great question.

The truth is, I got swept up by some unwelcome life events. It hasn’t been all bad, I’ve had some great and grateful moments, but there have definitely been some painful punches that tried to knock me out.

And so, I stopped.

In hindsight, I probably could have benefited from continuing to share my journey and possibly find healing right on the very virtual pages I write now? But well, it was too hard. 

I was hurt.



The life events I am talking about I will go into more depth in due time, but I do want to say that I am in a much better head space now and my hope is that I am able to move forward and start this new beginning from a more purposeful, refined and ‘grown up’ place.

My greatest hope is that by sharing my story, which is ultimately His story; you will be inspired to find the reason for yours?


As I walk the journey I want to bring encouragement to others to realise this truth.

I honestly believe that everyone has a purpose and my heart is to help you seek and find.

My prayer is that you discover who you really are and that you know you have been born with intention.

So I say, welcome.

Welcome to a new beginning and a space in which I desire to bless you and others after you.

Yes, this ‘White Butterfly’ has found her wings and is ready to fly!

Amanda xx

If you’d like to connect please join me over at my Instagram page – @thewhitebutterflyblog

2022: A year to Rebuild

I hope you have been well and had a great start to the new year!

So much has been happening these past couple of months, I’m sorry for the silence but I am back fresh and ready to share something the Lord has placed on my heart.

In all honesty it wasn’t what I had originally prepared or expected to be putting out there. I already had a piece written and ready to post, but it seems the Holy Spirit had other plans?

As you read, I ask you do so with an open heart. This could be a word for some but not all, in part or in whole. Either way I hope it blesses you. 

I pray for a year that will be filled with only God’s best for you and His divine favour!

A Time to Rebuild.

This word was received and scribed on the 8th January, 2022.

Many of us are to REBUILD this year. 

I see two specific groups this word is for.

Group one are those who need to rebuild their personal lives.

“And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, to break down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, says the Lord.”. – Jeremiah 31:28

These are the people who have experienced some difficult losses and setbacks last year. For some of us (myself included), we have been experiencing loss after loss and fighting battle after battle for several years now, and I declare enough is enough!

This has been a wilderness season but more specifically a refining season, and I see that many are coming out of the wilderness into what will feel like unchartered waters of favour and showers of blessing after blessing!

I feel so strongly to urge those who are weary – please don’t give up.


Renounce fear!!

I see the fire of the Holy Spirit coming down to burn away all the pain and dissapointment and replace it with His love and strength to turn the page and start over. 

It’s time to rebuild the areas of our lives that have suffered the repeated onslaught from the enemy – much has been stolen, but God will restore what the locusts have eaten, far beyond what you and I can ask, think or imagine! (Joel 2:25, Ephesians 3:20).

I also hear the words – “No more!”. 

That’s directed toward the enemy attacks and lies.

I also sense Holy Spirit speaking to some who have been repeating patterns of self sabotage and falling into the same traps that keep people locked in fear and hopelessness.

And so, I say it again. No more! (This is with all love, no condemnation).

We must look to Him, be grateful and be willing to let go and let God. 

Worship will be your weapon.

Allow Jesus to heal and restore you.

Invite Him in, especially to the rooms that have been kept locked.

The key? Be humble.

No more holding back.

The Second Group

“They will rebuild the ancient ruins; they will restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.” (Isaiah 61:4)

You’ve known this in your heart for some time but this year you will move forward into what God has been saying, teaching and showing you.

Similar to the other group – no more holding back!

This will be slightly different for each person, but I do see this relating to ministry (which can also be vocation not just the traditional sense of “ministry”). For some, you are to go back to a ministry or business you “put on the shelf” or never fully birthed. There will be those who will reinvent what they have already started.

There will be new innovations and ideas about how you do church, relationships and community but with Kingdom focus instead of religious performance or pulpit popularity contests being a driving force.

Old ways will no longer bear fruit that lasts and we must embrace the new to see the authentic move of God this year and beyond.

Holy Spirit will impart fresh ideas and strategies more and more through dreams and visions, so remain sober.

The word of God is our foundation and this is the time to really press into the still and quiet voice of Holy Spirit despite the increasingly loud voices vying for our attention and focus.

You will benefit by seeking God first and it’s time to break out of the ‘habit’ of going to others for the answers he is already giving you. 

You are just as anointed, just as loved by our Heavenly Father!

The key: Go to the secret place often. And by that I mean feast on his word and connect with Him daily. He has much to tell you, show you and impart to you! (Isaiah 45:3).

Many in this group will be stepping into callings of intercession and I see creative and prophetic acts of faith which will help rebuild many broken ruins.

God is with you as you step out- but you must do just that.

Step out.

I see prayer taking priority in people’s lives like never before, powerful prayer groups forming in homes and prayer warriors who were injured in battle fully healed and re-ignited; ready to pick up their weapons and fight again!

There will be a hunger and desire to pray, and not just for our own worlds and wants but the very real needs for our family, community, church and the globe!


Lastly, I see 2022 is a year to be planted and grow. 

Much of what was sown last year and in years before will be bursting forth in this new season. 

So, I ask. 

Where in your life do you need to start over, be planted or rebuild?

What have you been sowing?

As we feed on His word and stand on His truth, flourishing and blooming will break out.

Believe it. Claim it!

I pray that you seek the Lord about how he would have you rebuild the ruins this year.

Amanda xx

If you’d like to stay connected please join me over at my Instagram page where I also share extended video content of my blogs –  Find me @thewhitebutterflyblog

Be the light on a hill


“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine!” (Matthew 5:14-16) 

It is your time to shine. 

Every day is an adventure. 

A spontaneous afternoon drive to Newport and Palm Beach was exactly what we needed for a bit of R&R!  This is our “picture perfect” day.

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Location One: The Newport. If you haven’t been here, and you have a spare day to make the trip; I would highly recommend a visit! We were a bit late for a proper lunch, but made it just in time to grab a quick bite. We enjoyed having the place pretty much to ourselves too! (The perks of having Monday’s off). Can only imagine how crazy busy it must get on a weekend!

Location Two: We hadn’t had our coffee fix for the day, so also stopped over at The Boathouse to ‘refuel’ before the drive home.




The Perfectionist.

“Hi, my name is Amanda and I am a perfectionist”.

It is a weakness that has stopped me from pursuing much of what God is calling me to.

This blog is one piece of that puzzle.

I know the Lord has been speaking to me about stepping out, and yet for quite some time now I have continued to hold back.

I guess that’s what happens when you blur the lines of excellence and perfectionism. I am starting to see that there is a very fine line between the two.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to do things with excellence, God is all for it; but as I look in the mirror and face the truth of what has immobilised me, I can admit that the perfectionist in me was actually in disagreement with God.

I didn’t choose this!

It’s clear now that I was refusing to step out in faith and obedience. It’s not that I don’t want to act in faith or obey the Lord, its because well, I care way too much about what others would think if things don’t turn out perfectly.

He remains so patient and loving.

For too long I have strived for perfection, when Jesus is simply saying, “give me the weight and fear of trying to measure up, and just be who I have made you to be”.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I may think that I am unqualified to do what He is calling me to; but it is God who qualifies the called. It’s His final say, not mine or anyone else’s.

So, as I let go of the unhealthy relationship I have had with perfectionism and seek the Lord for the ability and anointing to achieve what he is calling me to, I declare today that no longer will I hold back, it’s time to take that leap!

He’s the expert in “cliff-catching” anyway, right?


Self Portrait | No.24

I noticed the other day how pretty the sunlight is when it streams in through our bathroom window, early in the morning. Of course, the only obvious thought once discovering this is; why not bring the camera into the bathroom and take a photo of myself sitting on the toilet? Haha…Well in reality that’s the only way I could hold the camera steady and get my reflection.

PS: I am not actually “going” to the toilet while taking this shot.

The obstacle:

Being ok with photographing myself first thing in the morning, a-la-natur-al and sleepy eyed.

The result:

Although my face doesn’t show it, I was quite happy.

That light!




We have a Saviour

C H R I S T M A S  2 0 1 5  Thankful for family, delicious food, presents under the tree and most of all – the liberty to celebrate our Saviour, King Jesus; the greatest gift we will ever receive.


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October Long Weekend

In a small town just outside Wagga Wagga, is a place called Uranquinty.

Just past the rail way tracks and silo’s is King Street.

Across from the oval is an orange brick home with a long driveway, country garden, archway and a warm welcome.

Mum and Dad’s place.

We don’t get down to their place as often as we should, however with four family birthday’s to celebrate at once, we had no excuse this time!

When we do visit Mum and Dad, it is always a time of quiet from the hustle and bustle of city life. Plenty of catch-ups, feasting, laughter and feasting.

Did I mention feasting? Haha…

The pictures tell the story of a pretty typical get together for our family.

These are the kind of simple, yet special memories that I love.

The memories that truly matter.

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